Saturday, May 19, 2007

(De)Regulating Traffic

It happens only in India! ;) Tired of the continuous disregard for her commands, I guess the traffic light decided to let the chaos thrive.

(Clicked at the sutta point crossing near college (no photoshopping, sacchi!), during one of those late evening pangs. Seems like so long ago... the partner in crime has fled to her home-town(s), and sutta point trip statistics are in the red. )

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cannabis => Pchizophrenia?

A public study I stumbled upon:

"A recent review of studies from which a causal contribution to schizophrenia can be assessed has suggested that cannabis statistically doubles the risk of developing schizophrenia on the individual level, and may, assuming a causal relationship, be responsible for up to 8% of cases in the population.

An older longitudinal study, published in 1987, suggested six-fold increase of schizophrenia risks for high consumers of cannabis (use on more than fifty occasions) in Sweden."

"Ahh well... THAT explains it!," I screamed, as i read the words that you have now. The background to that exclamation can be given briefly, and it will follow this colon:

Me n Naman had for long been thinking aloud, that our brains had given up on us, we could no longer think straight, our emotions were real no longer, and auditory hallucinations had continued to plague us since the time we got holed in that weird, empty (for a reason) building. The symptoms echoed Schizophrenia. But without a family history (assuming its genetic) and no contact with any schitzos (contagious), we thought that we had been afflicted by what they call being 'motivationally challenged'.

But now, that should change. We 're Schitzos. We 're delusional, and there's no escaping it.

Look what cannabis did to us. The message, is loud and clear: Do Not Dope. Pass that joint over. We ll take your burden. What? That's NOT a joint??

Hmmm. I must be hallucinating.

Saturday, May 05, 2007