Friday, March 23, 2007


Whatever happened to Glo-friends?
U know... the little glow in the dark bugs? not bugs really. but rubbery plasticky things that glowed wen u put them near the light, and then switched off the lights.

I liked them. I had two. A butterfly, and a bug, whose name I dont remember.


Anu said...

I never had any, but a stinkingly rich friend who did. Hmm.
The random fact. Is true? If yes, I likey :)

Anisha Jayadevan said...

I only vaguely remember them.
Shucks, I'm getting old.

BananaFish said...

I had a friend whose aunt sung the title song for the Glo-friends cartoon that used to come on DD. "We're glo - friends we hover every night...'